Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

fuck off, everyone keep talking about shade as if they’re going to get yeeted in a couple of days. The reason I picked you is because you decided to show yourself with a big analysis post.


Is your goal in every game seriously just to drop everyone’s wim below 0 or something regardless of alignment?

Just say “I didn’t shade you like you’re claiming I did” why be so agressive over someone claiming you threw shade

no, it mostly how we both read people. I would say that we would never read each other correctly so /shrug.

Simp count - all of you

(@Wazza @CRichard564 /uninformed spectate)

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i have speedran the thread

ok so basically this game

maybe +eli too

some of those reads didnt really change from last time i voiced them

strongest are

vulgard / ybw / mist

i have figured mistium

Oh man I forgot alt accounts are a thing…

That is… interesting tbh.

now what in tarnation does this mean

whats so interesting about GGhana not being able to read you?



Wolf slip wolf slip ayayayaua

sry rat

If you want to spec me just come out and say it I’m not a rat who cares about that

Rat and at are obv wolves together and at knows rat is GG

Tell me I’m wrong eevee
Nothing against you as a person it’s just you play very differently to most

you shall be silenced.

This would be a lot funnier if I was actually GGhana

Yes but actually no