Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Egoist tendancies come from scum that don’t have motivation to solve.
No idea about dota’s case considering they’re being so blunt about it; and also claim this is just their nature

So I made a post which was about you as well, so that means you paid attention to it?

I don’t feel this game is particularly wall-infested, but w/e.

i tr’d datbird in the invitational because he was egoist

im also egoist

my biggest weakness is that i relate to human beings

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i saw your vote on me yes
but i don’t reply to naked votes

Lol fair enough

See, because they claimed they do this I’d almost be wiling to write it off as town, but I saw Gorta claim he has a lazy nature and tends to mislynch town in the 9er and he turned out to be a wolf. So claiming that it’s just your playstyle doesn’t really excuse you from acting wolfy imo.

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shit, CTRL+Fing in isos doesn’t work
or am i doing it incorrectly

Do you have read on me

i’m memey regardless of alignment
also i was faking being annoyed that game
roleplayed an angry towny and had one hell of a blast

Doesn’t seem to be much like a villager Solic (from what my understanding of him is).
He is an aggressive and forceful player usually, and he played more on safe side so far.

Additionally I also kinda disliked several posts where he tried to be helpful (which wouldn’t be too terrible for some people, but Idk if villager him has that as his focus early game really.) - I think there was a post where he said something like “let’s not rolefish” and I got bad vibes from it, because it was generic way to engage with the game…

Also he wasn’t really making his own pushes. (but that’s same thing as my first point, I guess)


sorry for my random death in thread feeling poopy due to #therapist things

jokes aside in a bit im gonna make a small current readlist so i myself can get that properly out there

im just workin on something elsn rn :tm:

I decided that without knowing your identity, I’m not willing to give you town cred, as long as you keep sheeping people for the most part.
Just as safety precaution if anything.

I don’t think you have been wolfy fwiw.

my ego is satisfied, thank you
i will now calm my egoist tendencies and apologise for my selfish behaviour

I don’t nessecarily see him not making his own pushes as particularly AI.
Lack of aggressive nature is probably why I found him weird tbh.
I didn’t see those several posts though.

Iirc he hasn’t played much for a while do you think that’s influenced his style

Well yeah I don’t really care about meme stuff either.

I just felt you should have had a bit more substance for your postcount anyway.

Also my vote wasn’t naked (there was a paragraph about you a bit before).

He played just recently though?

And even in JOAT game (which was his first game after he had a huge break iirc) it didn’t seem to have made a difference.

I haven’t read his recent games just I knew he had taken a break

I saw that too. But I’ve also seen town say it, so I don’t get scummy vibes from it. Just kind of NAI is how I’d read it. I don’t think I read all of Solic’s posts, yet, though, so I’m gonna have to ISO him when I get on a computer.

He was in the recent invitational though, wasn’t he? I spectated that game.

@Vulgard What do you think about Light currently?

Think you said somewhere that you agreed with my take on him (which was based on Light’s 1st post basically), now I’m not sure if that post should be read into as much, because his posting changed.

Or did you talk about that and I missed something?

good afternoon

vul is pinging me badly but im pretty sure that’s just paranoia, i think most of his reads are somewhat easy but probably not something to be concerned about