Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

They haven’t done anything towny but like

Nothing they’ve done has pinged me as scum either

This is why they need to start posting and why it’s a problem that they aren’t

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you don’t think procrastinating all of someone’s reads makes them look scummy?

But is it a problem that is inherently scum AI

I don’t think so

scuplt and majora are w/w change my mind

No because I could just as easily make the argument why would scum not do anything when their being pushed for it

You don’t think someone saying i am making secert reads not shareing and not interacting with people isn’t scummy?

Read above

nah I think that seems too obvious, and two wolves discovered D1 is a shit game, but I’d be willing to bet one of them is a neutral


Not-posting is not nessecarily scum-AI
It’s 100% anti-town though; and it’s a problem
Ideally, I’m not sure about you, but I’d like everyone produce some content so I can read them
Scum could literally just
not post and get away with everything


was about to say the exact same as wind and kyo literally

god damn it


But I don’t think we Execute them today tho

I wouldn’t like yell at a vig for killing them but I think their not a good exe :man_shrugging:t2:

This is why I said probably one of Majora/Sculptor is a neut lol

Then who is a good exe in you mind over them?

But I’m posting

Or we can vote them, get them to produce content so we can read them and decide this after they actually post adequete amounts of content

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You’re posting but just based on how you think Majora’s lack of content isn’t a problem makes me think you’re not likely to be town.

I’m mostly just following Astand and Vul atm

I generally agree with them on Light

Astand I agree on Solic

I’m fine with cloned if they want to go their but I don’t have a hard read on cloned

They obv don’t care about being voted tho

They will once they’re top wagon at EoD because they haven’t posted any content