Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I have no idea what these statistics mean and I’m too fucked to figure it out but I’ll lol at them in the meantime

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Reveal it and I’ll towncase you for the memes


revealing in 3…

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Was meant for cheese
If you do just hmu for free towncred :joy_cat:

god dammit


it’s the number of times each person has voted

ok cheese if you know the code
can you at least check if everything has the proper numbers
not the calculations themselves, just the numbers i used

no im too lazy
i only checked it for me

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/vote clonedcheese
/vote clonedcheese
/vote clonedcheese
/vote clonedcheese


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you are evil

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Oh so I am dumb today thanks
I’m actually going to towncase you now I am a rat of my word

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Accused Voters Count
Majora KyoDaz, Leafia, min, EliThePsycho 4/13
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, Vulgard, sculptordwarf, dota 4/13
Leafia Solic, Centuries 2/13
ElithePsycho Mistyx, Light 2/13
sculptordwarf rat 1/13
dota astand 1/13
No Elimination clonedcheese 1/13
Not voted Ami, AtNoName, PKR, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, Majora, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, YouButWorse 9

last time dota did this percentage stuff he was scum

ez game

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Cracks little rat knuckles
Sit back and relax, listen to the sound of my seductive squeaking as I show you the light that is Villager cheese.

Part 1- The Throwback
I do still stand by my previous read of cheese being >rand V for his blasé attitude to coming in the thread with being the top wagon (admittedly with a height of 4 in a 13maj vote). When you roll scum, in my opinion you instantly start to feel a sense of panic when you start to receive votes no matter how serious they are, and no matter how well you try to hide it. When you are a villager, instead the default reaction to being voted is anger or disbelief. Cheese’s blatant idgaf-ness isnt in line with how I would expect a wolf to behave. What does scum gain from him not caring this much? What does scum gain from cheese’s staunch refusal to make new reads. It’s (imo at least) very anti town behavior but the fact that cheese is sticking to it so staunchly knowing it will likely make them look worse is ironically making him look better to me.

Cracks tiny rat paws again for good measure

Oh I wrote that imagining there would be more parts

animated jaw drop emoji from ToS

also cloned is being bad


stop being bad

actively throwing away village killpower is a terrible idea

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