Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Rand pog



You believe in person who said they are not sure about theirs check anymore.

Yes, I believe that you jumping on me without a single explanation, over “eevee said truth” check and being adamant it’s bad is… bad.

Prove me wrong.

/vote ArcticXI @CRichard564 @Wazza

changed my mind
#reasons convinced me that i could be wrong about gorta here

Accused Voters Count
ArcticXI AtNoName, eevee, Nightingale, an_gorta_pratai, sculptordwarf, KyoDaz, PKR 7/10
an_gorta_pratai Centuries, ArcticXI, astand, rat, min, Vulgard, YouButWorse 7/10
Centuries Leafia 1/10
Vulgard ClonedCheese 1/10
Not voting dota, TrustworthyLiberal, Light 3

Here’s the deal, you suspected me for my TL vote (when I explained it) and then I explain my EoD and it;s never good enough

Let it rand

ok w flip would be pog

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I can do so when there is not 1 minute left of a day.

Vul is now voting Arctic

I don’t consider your explanation was good but whatever now.

Goodnight bois

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glgl I don’t have much faith

do NOT let it rand

Accused Voters Count
ArcticXI AtNoName, eevee, Nightingale, an_gorta_pratai, sculptordwarf, KyoDaz, PKR, Vulgard 8/10
an_gorta_pratai Centuries, ArcticXI, astand, rat, min, YouButWorse 6/10
Centuries Leafia 1/10
Vulgard ClonedCheese 1/10
Not voting dota, TrustworthyLiberal, Light 3

Stop talking and voting. Day 2 has ended.

The day came to a close and…the player voted was ArcticXI…

You grabbed his card and the name was almost impossible to make out, along with the picture being completely blurred. You couldn’t understand his role…What was he…? You felt like you would never find out until calling from the east, everyone shouted them over to the country once more. That’s when it was noticed.

In the pocket of ArcticXI was a copy of Karl Marx’s book on Communism, along with a sign saying “Beginners guide to Communism.”, in the dying embers you had finally realised what ArcticXI was, it was a sad sight however, it was better than having a Communist state nearby.

ArcticXI has been executed! They were:

Night 2 has begun and will end at 2020-12-07T21:00:00Z , deadline for actions would be 2020-12-07T20:30:00Z .


2020-12-06T00:00:00Z2020-12-07T21:00:00Z. Deadline for actions is 2020-12-06T00:00:00Z2020-12-07T20:30:00Z

dates are horrible on phone. Night 2 has begun like CRich said