Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Final Vote Count for Yesterday:

Accused Voters Count
TrustworthyLiberal min, Leafia, Whysper, Light, Nightingale 5/5
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal, rat 3

Current VC

Accused Voters Count
rat Nightingale 1/3
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, rat, Whysper, Leafia 4

Majority is 3

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Hey, remember my fourth post of the game?
I regret not sticking by this.
But the damage hasn’t been done yet, so it (for once) is not too late.
Sorry, Whysper.

Also o7 @Aelin
Solid game.

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On N2, before Rat was “greenchecked,” I checked their ISO, particularly their interactions with Arctic. I found their interactions were pretty bad! I’ll pull that up when I have the time.

Furthermore, all of Rat’s mechanical information is either entirely cop-out (There is an NK), or stuff that Mafia is guaranteed to know (Astand visited nobody, there are 7 non-town in the game)!

We know the last Mafia is likely a rolecop, who checked Eevee N1, and Kyo N2. Vulgard needed a source of the accurate information D2, and their Kyo “paranoia” started on D3!

Furthermore, I think that it’s really weird for a mechanics oracle to recieve a player’s name in one of their results. On the other hand, I’m not sure if this is part of the site setup meta.

No, I can understand why you were unsure. I had to continue to keep myself from being a target, so I couldn’t really say my true role at the time. I came up with that 1-shot BP cause I thought it would make scum avoid me as a night kill. Though unfortunately some people were thinking it sounded more like a scum role, so it almost backfired on me. Haha. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was sort of wondering about this too. Stuff like the number of non-town would be easy to fake. The group scum probably either knew for sure there was a NK or just assumed there was one.

Yeah, Vul was so certain on Kyo at that point, so it would make sense it came from a rolecop check. And Kyo’s flip didn’t say anything about being immune to checks.

i’m like actually fucking pissed
what do i get today?

“anticlaim mechanics exist in this setup”

light brought up yesterday how all of my damn info is extremely extremely fakable and i’m angry. the only usable information i got was that there are 7 non town in total?? and even that wasn’t as useful as i could’ve hoped.

i don’t have a damn reason why my info sucks, i don’t have a damn reason why vulgard pocketed me, i’m pissed i look like shit for something that isn’t my fault

@nightingale you say you want to dome me, i suggests you go read over the hood events right before Vul died. i don’t think i could adequately fake that emotion

but at this point i don’t even care, it’s 4 v 1 now, i get hammered, someone dies in the night, it’s 3p lylo go nuts and good luck

i’m tired, i’m exhausted, my reads (and luck) this game have been absolute shit and i very much doubt this will get turned off of me so all i ask is that y’all at least take the damn time to consider what to do when i flip town
because it will fucking happen.

I was roleblocked last night

Oh? You got feedback on that? I wonder why Min roleblocked you. Your role is to check if flips are altered, right?

Yeah, that’s what I do

then where’s the flip alterer?

Hmmm, I wonder if they thought you actually had a different role or something

Maybe they were worried you were faking your role. Also, I suppose they didn’t think there was any other better target anymore.

unless light lied/switched his target, night was rb’d last night

Hmm, I suppose it’s possible that Light got suspicious of Gorta

But if he said he had a certain target, then switching without anyone knowing wouldn’t really help. He was already thinking he’d be the target of the night kill.

why is leafia still alive?

light was killed over clear town for a reason

Yeah, I would guess either because of the RBing or because of where he was going with his reads.