Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I’m guessing that WWI version would have Austria and Hungary as masons.


What did you do


Mine is Harumaki being cute.

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That picture ur e

agreed, tbh


Passive name, LOL

thats your first mistake

London bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
London bridge is falling down,
My fair lady

Close the Vulgates to the bridge
To the bridge, to the bridge
Close the Vulgates to the bridge
My fair lady


kyo ily

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This is the second time I have been tricked in my rolecard.
ITA immune miller with infinite redirect and
infinite day/night vig no guilt? Not NK.
Rolecard with green name? Better guess you’re an NK bitch

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masoned to herbalist :^)

to be fair, my role was useless after the role that could alter roles died

There wasnt such a role…
You were always useless.

wasn’t arctic the role that could alter flips?

no your role was mechanically entirely useless

arctic was a framer/tailor, didnt touch flips at all :joy_cat:

Haha, this was why I was actually suspicious that Gorta was making up his claim and was some other neutral. So I rolecopped him just to make sure. :slight_smile:

All traitors to my Empire fell. Mission failed successfully.

West Germany is a dick, clearly.

(AKA lmaoo)

Anyway, majority wants me to host another game with a different flavour.

You see, the issue with that is that I have no idea what flavour I would do it based on, Roblox games or smthn?