Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

alt game where identity wasnt even revealed until the end of the game even if i specced it

alt game again

ici or geyde or whatever made the worst op ever and never updated it so i cant even know when you died


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After searching through every post where Light mentions his meta there is one!! post that fits the criteria for him acknowledging his meta but it doesn’t mention him wanting to change it or anything

In Harry Potter FM dead chat Light tells Trochi he “abused his meta” (probably related to that one town trochi w light game that happened) but he never says he’s going to change it

boxed in :joy_cat:

im litterally coming up with random reasons to vote random people
ever heard of RVS

any key individuals for me to look at

my ego volunteers

Even more importantly, for example, SFoL-1 was a 15p game, I had 321/5520 posts, which is ~5.81% of the total posts. Games after I started changing my meta:

FoL30 - 5.31% in 18p - Scum
CV - 7.13% in 15p - Scum
SFoL64 - Died N1, irrelevant
Umineko - 3.08%, 18p - Town
SFoL-1 - 5.8% in 15p - Scum
RotK - 134/2648 - 5.06% in 10p - Town

Multiply for fun

FoL30 - 95.624 - Scum
CV - 106.9 - Scum
Umineko - 55.497 - Town
SFoL-1 - 87.228 - Scum
RotK - 50.6 - Town

Not only is your meta bad, it’s wrong. @Centuries


nice to meet you too

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imagine doing meta based on postcount

Centuries tried.
I’m simply proving that if anything, it’s indicative of the opposite of what he’s saying it is.

this is literally the only game that actually means anything in your case because

those would literally help my case

this is an alt game and i dont think this game should be your town standard

so yeah basically you have 1 game that supports your claim and it’s a 10P with a playerlist that honestly isn’t something i’d post a lot in either

so no

thats wrong

It’s not a soft, I can just read you semi well, so I make an effort to get a read on you

to be fair I did skim it to catch up. expect more meat and potatoes when I get in the solving mindset

Sigh, I will have to make a d1 read on both of y’all won’t I

welcome to the community

Do you always only read half of posts?

Multiply percentage by players in game (as more players means percentage is more significant)

but there’s literally only one game that mildly makes you look better among those and it’s a 10P with a playerlist that wouldnt make anyone wanna post just due to how boring it is

Actually, all of them do. Isn’t your argument that I’m low-posting and not fluffing, and therefore, scum?

I’m well aware that you’re smarter than this, Centuries.

I let Wazza slip by with it in Umineko. I won’t let it happen again here.

Unless you’re trying to prove that your meta is the same no matter your alignment (which like really doesnt help your case for fm in general then) then it actually makes you look worse because you literally went from

obvious town
not so obvious scum because you weren’t getting meta read town you were actually getting read town


not obvious town ever

is just a straight downgrade

but whatever

You’ve posted scumgames where you lowposted and didn’t post much fluff as an answer to me saying you doing that is scum ai


light angry about meta

light town

i think?