Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I let Wazza slip by with it in Umineko. I won’t let it happen again here.

Unless you’re trying to prove that your meta is the same no matter your alignment (which like really doesnt help your case for fm in general then) then it actually makes you look worse because you literally went from

obvious town
not so obvious scum because you weren’t getting meta read town you were actually getting read town


not obvious town ever

is just a straight downgrade

but whatever

You’ve posted scumgames where you lowposted and didn’t post much fluff as an answer to me saying you doing that is scum ai


light angry about meta

light town

i think?

I’m showing you my most recent games… after the point where I changed my meta… Sure, there is a tendency downwards from previous games for post count because I stopped fluffing, but even so, I posted more relatively speaking in my scumgames.

this is going in circles



so I’m not the only Hetalia weeb here
please don’t vote me out for saying that

Also wtf I have managed to miss close to 900 posts already so I’m posting now so I don’t get voted out for being afk LOL. I’m skimming as fast as I can and I hope I don’t miss anything.

There are so many people in this game and I haven’t figured out a strategy on how to handle everyone’s reads until half the players are yeeted already, so… yeah.

At this rate am I even gonna finish writing this post before you guys quickhammer someone??? stay tuned to find out

(btw what’s a frozen wolf, I have no clue what that is)

Also Kiro claimed town D1 and then voted himself asking if any of us thought he was a wolf lol
it actually worked to get suspicion off him

oh shit it’s Majora

btw I really hope the post requirement isn’t super high because I just crammed literally all my comments into one post for the sake of convenience

hi I’m a D1 wallposter

Anyway, so far I can’t say I’ve gotten a lot of reads due to lack of productive and meaningful content, but I did notice that Leafia seemed to be pushing back a little too hard on Centuries so I have Leafia as a scumlean? idk if that’s any sort of valid reasoning at this point, though, and people were jumping on the Leafia wagon pretty easily.
For that matter idk what to think of Centuries for now but I liked his catchup post (628) up to a point. Just not sure about the Leafia standing but I’m also just not sure about Leafia right now.
People were also jumping on the Cheese wagon pretty fast. I guess the problem is just that nobody has much to go off so it’s easier to just vote someone out for the sake of narrowing down the options. I’m not getting much of a read on Cheese rn; moreso on the people voting him.
I also feel like Worse is a townlean but not sure if his comments are actually towny or just NAI. At any rate I don’t have him as a scumlean right now.
Kyo seems like a townie based on all the comparisons but I’m not entirely sure.
I kinda like Light’s read so far, and I’d give it a townlean but Centuries and astand made me doubt it so idk.
min feels like town at best and null range at worst imo.
astand feels mostly like town so far.
rat also seems like town so far based on their own reads.

Also I haven’t played a game with most of you guys before so I really have no clue how you usually play as wolves/villagers lol.

Everyone else so far I still have in the nullzone so I guess I’ll have to pay more attention after this.

I made it up to post 720 in reading and my internet just dipped so I swapped to mobile and it’s super inconvenient. So imma just post this before I lose it. Fortunately most of my draft saved…


My readlist is subject to change after I finish catching up but I’m trying to fix the internet so I can do that

Also for anyone who hasn’t played with me before or didn’t spectate, my only game is the recent 9er so just check there (and you’ll see me spewing wallposts lol)

i claim cold

I claim no internet, RIP

…Internet is still dead so I guess imma just sleep and hope it’s back when I wake up .-.

Not voting anyone yet because I’m generally not confident in D1 reads, and right now I’m more confident in the townleans than the scum leans. I’ll reevaluate before EoD, though.

A wolf who can’t really do anything in thread because they’re locked up trying to not slip or just look scummy overall.

Interestingly enough, this is less force than Leafia usually uses when being scumread (she’s the OMGUS Queen)

I actually feel like he’s actively been scummy rather than just lol!lowposter

GTH (gun to head), read on me

what about them feels towny

I have all of my past games on my profile.

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Their analysis/level of interest in what other people are saying. Idk, it generally seems like a towny thing to do imo, but I guess a good wolf could do it, too?

I’m gonna have a lot of reading to do on everyone lol

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I’m heading to bed, night y’all.


to catch up or to play this game without catching up
that is the question

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You can just not read and ask as I’m gonna.

Hey guys, are my scummates fooling you good enough, or should I help them?

I went a little over halfway on catchup lol

Oh right @dota we plaied together a fair bit.

I’m roz1roz on ToS.

I’m gonna sleep now, night guys!

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