Court Wizard Suggestion by Cheesy v2

The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support
Pocket Realm (Night)- Choose a player. The first night action (in terms of priority) that targets your player will also appear in your Pocket Realm. Infinite Uses
Mirror (Night)- Choose an abiltity that appeared in your Pocket Realm. You cannot use Killer or Special Abilities. Infinite Uses.
Blue Dragon Goal.

The Sage

Unseen Support
Pocket Realm (Night)- Choose a player. The first night action (in terms of priority) that targets your player will also appear in your Pocket Realm. Infinite Uses.
Overload (Night) Use all the Abilities in your Pocket Realm on a player. Cannot use Killer or Special abilities.

Feeela bad when you defend someone and die…

What you doing about sage?

oh sheiet sage yes

this class isnt about defennding really. It only mirrors abilities, it doesnt defend them.

Knight Defend Death

Simple way to die ^

oh yes rip

While this idea is unique, I feel it is not going to be fun. You have to take at least two days to actually perform an action, and if no one visits, you get occupied, or only killer/special visit the target, you still get to do nothing.

Along with that, I feel this isn’t a supportive Court Wizard. Yes it’s possible for him to get supportive abilities, but it’s equally possible for him to get investigative, offensive, or social abilities. And even then he could get something boring like Frame, and just know that person is a fool/scorned target.

Finally, the the ability allows him to confirm visits. While you don’t get everyone who visits a player, you get one of the abilities and you can now deduce “Oh I got Smite, this is a Cult game and our paladin is unconverted.”

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Thanks for your input.

I may add another ability to make this more interesting.

To make it more supportive, maybe i could change a bit more what could be filtered. and make it less confirmable. Most likely , the cw will pick up merc guards and occupations , so ill try and make sure that doesnt happen
Thanks once again