Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

i like you marl so knowing my only chance was to shadethrow your entire game history was painful

This game in a nutshell


I could probably make an alignment chart too but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol

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especially considering i’m incredibly afraid of people actually thinking that, heck you m8



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sir this is a christian FM game plz no swearing


I wanted to build down and I figured it wouldn’t be too much harm as it was still at the start of the game.

Did you have wood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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You also have to start powertowning too, otherwise I think your playstyle as scum and town are fairly polarised

I like how Marl didn’t think I would be starting cult though. :thinking:

Otherwise his reads were scary here.

scary in the fact that they’ll probably get me nightkilled more often


Kind of amazing how Squid could get away with just being outed Vig until the end of the game.


because Max wasn’t paying attention and yolo killed cop anyways

Also Livi I would have stayed in longer if I knew this would be the resolution. I just thought I’d get replaced instead of modkilled.

I’m surprised Baz doesn’t get NKed more often.

On a side note, I’m fairly happy with my carry this game :^)

I know

it’s ok man

but I panicked from being the only one left

Marcus you did more good then meme did
Get the joke

Lowkey happy I got a free win for my record

indeed, you didn’t actively harm village’s chances by claiming wolf and then subbing out
can we blacklist meme for that by the way


Think he already left