Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

Noz’s reaction makes the event more credible imo

Mrs. Squid, how’s it feel to be proven an idiot when I flip

How does it feel when you called someone that can easily be proven as Town a liar, Mr. Noz? :thinking:

Let’s settle by saying we’re both idiots k

Guys I’m sorry for lying I’m not actually prince

Shut up useless

Accuse Nozbugs

:sunglasses: count that as a prevote bucko

Read :clap: the :clap:setup

Also squid shoot me tonight if your so sure of me being scum

I’m the doctor I’m healing squid

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there is no doctor

It’s bastard

My card says I can heal someone twice but after the second time they die of overdose

My bastardized claim was memery but this is just idiocy

Bish, Memesky’s the one being shot, not you

Shoot me you won’t no balls

We lost Memesky


We’re not deviating from the plan, ya dipnut

Then you have no balls