Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

Do i even see sheeps? Fish

I’ll come back in 9 hours.

Expect a bullet in your head tonight :smiley:

Should the Vig use their day bullet today?

lol I’m using it tonight

You don’t like me because you know I’ll win the game and take away your glory

/vote bazinga

Get out



/vote Max

Once again with the probable memeing and seeming scummy as usual when always confirming.

I believe he is not Maf, but I have a feeling that he could be Cult by claiming an important town role who has not been able to get a convert if they have hit the vig or the cop as well as a Mafia member.

Just got on sorry was asleep when asked about my reads atm i find baz sus for wanting a vig dead

I don’t know myself, but for some reason, I believe that the vig decided to nightkill Alice and Mafia killed Marcus instead.

If this is the true case, what if Noz was actually Mafia and Mafia killed Marc rather than Vig shooting
them. This to me seems like a lucky frame to make it appear as Noz is vig since in thread he did say he would nightkill Marc, but actually, the real Vig shot Alice instead.

Other then baz no reads atm :confused:

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
bazingaboy Livicus, Marluxion, Luxy, techwolves, Margaret 5/9
Firekitten bazingaboy 1/9
Techwolves htm 1/9
Luxy Firekitten 1/9
MaximusPrime Wolfy 1/9

Not really, mafia wouldn’t be that stupid to confirm noz as the vig, as that would potentially give away them. As well. Noz can’t be mafia due to how they reacted when we wanted to shoot meme. “They are trying to set me up” noz if mafia would have been fine with meme dead

I will have to concede to that point, but to me, it feels more like a coincidence and I just have a feeling that rather than Vig shooting Meme, it was actually Mafia that killed Meme.

No one else vote Baz imo, we could risk a quickhammer here which will lose us discussion time

Why do you scumread him?


Wolfy I want you to look at that sentence again. MAFIA KILLING MEME

I rest my case

But that would still be a good thing for Mafia to have done to give Noz a claim as the vig as he announced it in thread! That’s the point I’m trying to make.

They could have made him a claim to be the Vig by doing this when he is not the real one!

Just find him wanting a vig dead sus nothing else