Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

@Margaret hey you unvote me pls

n o


please? :thinking:

n o


is this because i’ve been slacking with helping with bastard camelot


/vote shurichan

If anyone isn’t sus that shurian wanted to kill a confirmed Town to prove the cop then the mafia can kill the cop N2 and mafia killed 2 Town is scum

Here it is best for the vig to come on and kill shurian so we can see the flip. If mafia we vote Ici if town we vote Marl. But I really doubt shurian would be town

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I don’t like the ici lynch today

mostly because i’ll feel very guilty on the off chance he flips town

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to clarify since i know i’m going to be asked to -

no i do not think icibalus is town
but i’d rather check him tonight

You die tonight you pleb

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U mean die tonight

Also who should I actually vig

Hey Marl. I might as well out myself too. If I shoot someone without anyone knowing who I am, then it would be a waste. I’m going to shoot Shurian, I got you

ok ill shoot squid then

How dare you try and claim my role?!

I would like the anytime vigilante to shoot shurian without outing themselves yes

I’ve been softing Vig since Day 1 -_-