Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

Cracks knuckles You got it

@Margaret @Livicus @Sam17z @MtheJoker @Htm @MaximusPrime
Hammer MathBlade, he admitted to being Mafia

Pretty please I wanna be lynched

Remember Kitten cop
Squid Vig
Marl cult

25% chance Kitten and Marl are swapped but no one else can be cop

O rlly :smirk:

Shoot me you won’t

Also one of the problems mafia have in this setup is commucation and mafia should be able to talk in the day time I think tbh


Shoot :clap: a :clap: Cultist :clap: before :clap: they :clap: find :clap: you :clap:


Mainly we have no way to stop PRs is the problem

Without a cult this is a balanced mountainous set up that gets run on MS. Cult have immunity so by the time it matters they are cop immune fours

Without cult this would be unbalanced as heck

I refuse to believe 4 mafia vs 1 cop 1 vig and 13 citizens is balanced

Not really

Cop niner
Vig 10er

Those are standard

Both together with 4 mafia and a few cits is balanced and has a 50/50 win rate

Like reduce some of the cits obviously but not much

Oh those are probably balanced

Ashe right now



/vote Mathblade


/vote Math

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
MathBlade bazingaboy, Wolfy, Marluxion, PoisonedSquid, Mathblade, Firekitten, Margaret 7/7

MathBlade reaches majority, and is lynched! They were a Goon.

Night Three begins. It will end on September 24, 2018 3:45 PM.