Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

cliffs for wolf me

  • make sure to make my perspective consistent
  • cut the fuck back on the AtE
  • learn how to powerwolf properly

cliffs for village me

  • learn how to hunt based on wagonomics and learn what is actually wolfy and shit again
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Yeah, I was sure I was going to die, but I didn’t :confused:

person above is triple dead

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Ici when you figure out how to powerwolf and deepwolf teach me too

lightningrod lol

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if only the doctor had visited too :cry: then we’d have lost to the cult

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what doctor?


urge to throw shade rising


do it, unleash the mod salt

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i mean I know how to cause mislynches and i know how to somewhat make my tone match my village tone
i need to keep up my tone when pushing people and learn how to come out of lynches relatively unscathed

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I wasn’t aware getting into catfights with Marl counted as powerwolfing :^)

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any other kind of salt

Like I’ve gotta dig up whatever day that was but literally the entire thing was just ici v marl, ici v marl, everybody wants to see this happen


Ici had me firmly pocketed until it was obvious it was fake

Ha ha! I win by saying minimal poste

this is why AtE is something I must purge from my playstyle ASAP

Get rekt marl

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you got carried lmao


something felt incredibly dirty inside when i saw maximus flip scum