Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

@Kirefitten answer me one question.

What would I have to gain as scum by that post?

That’s not the point, why would you do it as town

Why did you post it anyway?

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So you dodge my question then?

I did it because I had no clue what noz was doing. And I wanted to see if other people agreed with what I was thinking.

I literally answered your question earlier in the thread but you can’t read.

So trying to out a PR is good for you?

If you can’t see a reason why scum would post something why are you scumspecting someone for it? Seems fishy to me.

He probably wasn’t a power role that was the point. But I wanted to see what other people thought.

I literally answered your question so read the thread plus actually accuse me instead of trying to throw shade at me.

As well, your only defence is “why would I do it as scum” that’s not the point why would you do that as Town

but here it implies you thought he was one

No, it’s quiet obvious baz is scum here (or a PL) so /FoS FK

And if I did?

Quote it for me

So instead of voting me you would rather go for a PL

If I was maf and thought noz was a pr wouldn’t I just kill him?

This is literally your defence

You don’t think baz is scum after that performance?

Stop using that as a defence, explain why you would say that as Town.

What performance.

If theres no scum motivation in a post why are you scumspecting someone for it

I already explained why I did it