Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

Go for it
You still shouldn’t preach about proper play when your reads and pushes have been so far off the mark it feels like you’re missing intentionally

I can think of a situation in which you would, which is that you want to sneak into the village core and whiteknight a villager to make it seem plausible.

It was a planned gambit that you used without considering the consequences based on the situation. You’re acting like wolves don’t really make massive errors of judgement.

I don’t make massive errors of judgement in my wolf play

Well, let’s see here… your reads are legit terrible until late-game when based on how wolves play you’re bound to get them right, and just because you’re NK’d all the time for your supreme confidence you’ve become convinced that you’re the best village player no matter what you say or indeed what anyone else says, and you took the advice from MU “always assume your reads are accurate” far too seriously, and you’ve become a worse player because of it.

I’m taking a stand marl:

You. Are. Not. That. Good. At. FM.

Mkay mislynch me then
When I flip town you can blacklist yourself from any competitive games because you’re wrong

If you can’t comprehend my play this game then you aren’t even trying. If you don’t have time to try, don’t waste my time arguing here.

Marl, I’m serious here. You’re a cool dude normally but you’ve been taking the wrong message from how people play on MU.

Has it not occurred to you that your play actually seems insulting to a lot of people, but they sheep you because they assume it’s confidence?

I haven’t played on MU in months? And who is my play insulting to?

You’re trying to preach to a choir that doesn’t exist.

If you’re actually stubborn enough to think you’ve played well this game, (assuming you’re town, which i am not going to assume because your reads have been so off the mark it’s painful) I encourage you to backread yourself this game and look at everything you’ve managed to accomplish

You haven’t drawn out any interactions

Literally all you’ve done is yell at HTM for adding traction to a wagon in the most LAMIST way possible

How do you expect to analyze wagons and make associations if you shut down people trying to join in on a wagon, Icibalus?

Goodbye, for now. I have school to go to.

@Htm @techwolves @Luxy @MaximusPrime @Sam17z vote marl, if you need my explanation.

Learn how to play the game while you’re there, thanks

marl, just because I don’t play as a village leader in EXACTLY the same way you do dosen’t make I’m bad at it.

I’m going now, but look at yourself. Your entire play is dominated by arrogance and pride, and because everyone assumes that’s you being confident you’re rewarded for it.

You’re just bad at it because you’re bad at it

Also since when did we elect you village leader? You’ve contributed nothing so far. In your own words, ‘Quit trying to sneak into the village core’ when you haven’t contributed anything to the town in the slightest.

wow what an attitude shift

it’s almost like you’ve been flopping around this entire game ici

This isn’t just an accidental PR fish or anything like that.
It is you directly claiming vilage’s most powerful rand on Day 2 when there’s actually almost no risk of your green check being lynched. With no protectives.

That’s not just a bad move, it’s an unatural as shit one. It’s a wolf’s seer claim.
You’re only not being counterclaimed because the Seer knows why it’s a horrible idea to.

okay now i’ll go, but seriously marl. Take a look at yourself and remove that fucking ego from your head of yours.


I’m not being counterclaimed because I am the real Seer, Icibalus

I was going to die tonight anyway so my goal is to solve the entire game TODAY if possible.

And you should seriously follow your own advice, and quit preaching about what you deem to be proper or improper play

Calling someone scum over their play is fine, but you dont get to decide what is a good or bad play, only the outcome of the play gets to decide that.

You even agree that Shurian is a ‘wolf’ and yet you refuse to lynch him because you’re afraid of me checking you as red tonight like I said I was going to.

When I flip seer tonight your head is next on the chopping block

We should just let the mafia kill whoever is real town tonight and lynch someone like Shurian

Honestly getting into situations like these is the most beneficial for me, since it forces the mafia to do something other than immediately shoot me

If I’m deadset on calling someone a wolf, and i flip, it gives town a good chunk of info to work with tomorrow