Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

Except Wolfy and Math and Bazinga

I feel that they have more dedication in the games they start

Wolfy been busy with stuff though recently.

Maybe someone new, who wouldn’t get lynched or killed

I see math as a fair point however I still want to believe in my theory, question is, why are you still voting math if you think they wouldn’t skim :thinking:

because he’s Luxy’s slot

That doesn’t matter the mafia obviously wasn’t paying real close attention to chat and you thought math would.

Well he seems like a seasoned mafia player because he’s from MU

(and also gets intimidating)

Do you think he would kill noz here?

I doubt he would kill Noz

it was pretty obvious that people who opened outed weren’t PRs

Then why are you still voting them :eyes:

The whole conversation from the day before? Where we concluded that Ici and Luxy are scumbuddies

AKA Marl’s Look Mom I’m Scum

Except if math was mafia you just said he wouldn’t kill noz there.


that is a good point


This basically served as an idiot checker ngl.

for math?

/Vote Tech

No for everyone, we now know mafia are 100% idiots and don’t pay attention.

ah so that’s why you brought up list of skimmers


/vote Tech

This is scum