Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

Did I hear the word skipping?!

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Just kidding lol mathblade is mafia

Unaccuse Margaret
Accuse Mathblade

So you’re assuming I am an idiot?

No I think you’re hella smart but were put into unfortunate circumstance and I’m smarter

Then again intelligence is a curse that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone

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I mean
your slots actions before his replace out kinda damned your slot

Nothing damns a slot. Especially what my predecessor did which was just replace out.

Like in Gay mafia (I am not using this as an insult that was literally the name of the game) I replaced into a town slot that literally
Fake claimed PGO
Misquoted their role three times
Did nothing put push town
I literally had to suicide to save town from instant loss
Named the two scum on replace in and was ignored

That is a damned slot

This is just Luxy

You evaluate a slot based on its merits and what it posts and why and look at the prior slot and the replacement. Never just one or the other.

I take damned town slots and damned scum slots and eat them for breakfast and spit out something better whatever alignment I draw. I just happen to be town this game.

Oh and they messed up being ascetic.

Fun times that role

[details=That game. Warning: 18+ content is in this game. I cannot clean it up.]


Kuribo and Cephrir were the scum[/details]


I honestly would hate to replace out with no other people in the backups, but I suddenly got really busy so I don’t know how active I can be for now… sorry guys

Ping me if you really need me or I might not see it or something

/vote Math

Luxy pretty much confirmed himself as scum after Ici’s Maf flip based on his actions, and just left Math in a bad situation since we suspected them.

Mafia after this day will have one more member if we vote him. I would reconmmend vig not to shoot this day if they can shoot still until Cop gets the final Mafia member tonight, but Math should be voted this day.

“Suddenly got really busy”

Is literally just playing throne of lies

Max cut the crap :thinking:

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If you don’t want to play, replace out

But if you’re just afraid of giving us associations when you flip as scum, meme or something

:thinking: or continue to stay inactive, that works too
but dont pretend to be busy

I procrastinate

also yeah I should finish my stuff lol

But really, I actually have quite a bit of things i should finish xD

If you’re going to procrastinate, why not procrastinate with this game? :thinking:

Max… is actually not being scummy while saying that he is busy. Normally, he would be even more scummy and shouting and lose his temper.

However I don’t feel like that this is the case here right now.

However, even though he isn’t acting scummy for once, doesn’t mean he can’t be scum of some sort. If anything, I’m thinking he is more or less Cult.

Actually, I have a plan. If vig can shoot, shoot Math today. He will flip Mafia 100% based on the association between Luxy and Ici. With this shot, we can start looking for Cult since in this scenario right now, 3 Cult if they were able to convert at all, 1 Maf, and 10 town (if my maths is right)