Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins


But then by your own logic I am not dumb enough to kill Noz.

Maybe not where you come from it isn’t. FoS is just something fishy. It’s not enough for a read

But you saying that you checked Marl and FK and both suspecting them of being Cult is fruitless. I’m guessing you had these suspicions for a long time, so why check them both to “confirm” your Cult theory?

except you claimed cop said luxy checked me and was still suspicious of me and then you checked marl would got two scum lynched

Null = 0 to me fishy isn’t 0

In your case, not dumb enough isn’t the proper term here. What would apply to you is “not aware enough”

I checked Marl because of busser theory and to figure out some of the wagons that seemed funny. When he came back not mafia I was pretty sure he was cult. I was just biding my time. He then forced my hand with the fake cop check.

So how did he appear cult to you by “bussing two mafia”

Then no one is never Null and no one ever cops

Flail harder

I checked him to rule out mafia. I was pretty sure he was scum of a certain cloth just which

I’m not the one who is getting voted :smirk_cat:

As well, I can say 100% that you would never check marl here as the busser theory is too stupid for you

Let me explain, your replacement in Luxy’s spot was sudden, so you didn’t have enough time to read the whole thread causing you to think that Noz was the real Vigilante. Your other Mafia buddy however, they fell for the bait on their own

Except you lynch scummy players not check them :clap:

Why did you even suspect them of being cult? WAIT YOU DIDNT. You only suspected them of being cult AFTER they said they were cop with a mafia check.

Meaning your using evidence after the fact to support your case before

But you will be.

not when you flip not cop :clap:

So Squid popped their conversion cherry huh?


Squid is cult

That theory is too guided.

Doesn’t match Squid’s tone anywhere.