Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

What this means is

They only have 3 cultists right now

6 v 3 then

/vote Sam17z

My gut hasn’t lead me astray this game

/vote Sam


you’re spookin me friend

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Sam17z Marluxion, htm 2/5

@Kirefitten reluctant to sheep this?

do you disagree with sam being a cultist?


good morning jim

/Vote Htm

I’m confident htm is cult here.

Htm literally wrote a paragraph explaining why I can’t say I’m cult or mafia, which reminds me when I tried to fake claim
Vig. I literally wrote a long paragraph of the pros and cons and a simple answer would have been enough.

Here he literally says “how do we know” it’s like he want us to think there isn’t cult left

Then he tries to support it further by saying cult maybe got unlucky.

I dont agree


He’s low hanging fruit

I don’t think anyone would convert him willingly given his inactivity this game

He would need to be exactly the starting cultist

The same reason I think Bazinga is town

Don’t compare my plays with yours to say I’m scum.

Different people, different plays.

That’s stupid cult want to convert people unlikely to be attackef

Why did you feel the need to even say that

Lemme explain some Firekitten

The cult can’t convert their scumreads
If they hit mafia they waste an entire night

They also can’t convert power roles

HTM fits the bill of both of these
He was lurking enough to be read as a power role, in addition he was HIGHLY on the table to be shot and killed yesterday