Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

The game is almost unloseable unless you daykill tomorrow

If she misshoots cult has majority anyway Bazinga

I would say HTM, Celeste, and Sam

Joker is almost likely not cultist unless starting

but i agree
her kills should happen at night now so she has the most info

Until the conversion tonight I wont vote Firekitten or Bazinga
Other than that i’m willing to lynch anyone honestly
Odds of hitting cult are high

Why do you think joker isn’t likely starting?

Since Solic getting modkilled gives cult another slot, a random townie should be made convert immune



just a joke. I’m a little salty cult get a benefit from inactivity though when it’s the cult’s fault.


Because HTM feels more starting, and no one would convert Joker due to his notoriety for inactivity

although we’re going under the assumption neither you nor Marl is converted

that’s literally the perfect target for converison

Why would people convert inactives

You described the ideal person who won’t get night killed least likely to have any interactions and such

I guess that’s true but we can just shoot them at night

Plays can change.


Then who’s the most likely person to be targeted by converison

We have three days let’s use them
@mthejoker @Sam17z @Margaret if you haven’t posted content within 24 hours you will die. Give us everything you’ve got

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Let me finish my ISO or I won’t have an answer

Literally you don’t need a ISO to give a converison target