Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

You did it right. Fu fu, I’m proud.

Unlike some people who use “Oh noes”, thats for me and me only to use.

Oh :nose:

/vote shuri

so you’re mafia then? :thinking:

This game exists :observer:

Ohnoes ive been exposed someone quick save me /s

:triumph: no votes d1 :triumph:

I’ll count this as your /confirm.



Well Well Well
If it isn’t JokeTheMster

How’s life scumfriend

Wow rip no votes d1

1 Like

How’s life Smartguy17zordon

Life is life

I’m running out of new z words to use for a nickname for you

Help a moderator out :thinking:


I don’t think nicknaming your self is allowed though

true :thinking:


/wake up get up get out there



so firekitten did you see me you and maximus are tied for the strongest players on our forum :thinking: