Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

I think it was because it seemed like he was PR fishing

I mean will asking why you are quickediting your posts = town or scum

Not directly, but I’m sure Luxy didn’t normally do that in previous games

Quick editing for Firekitten is fine, quick editing for luxy is not, discuss

Ngl I really don’t like how agressive they were towards me scumreading them, then they even made it worse by trying to defend themselves by saying why would scum do that.


/vote LuxyTrain is leaving the station

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You aren’t contributing at all. How is asking me why I quick edit posts at all helpful

Because your reasoning is absolute bullshit and looks completely faked.

So why am I not being voted

Cause im not sure on you yet thats why its called a finger of suspicion

Because you didn’t post like that in the past, but now your posting method has changed. It almost makes you look like you’re panicked

You just said it looks completely faked and BS’d

Ok you’re retarded, I’ve quick editted posts since my third game here when I saw fk doing it and realised it wasn’t against the rules

Key word is looks

Geez, you don’t have to insult me about it. I just only noticed it now

Mhm except if it does look that way why aren’t you voting me?

Firekitten why are you so keen on me omgusing you? Trying to bait me into a wolfy response?

Townies can have flawed reasoning and i don’t want to jump to conclusions

It’s not that my argument is like 30% that 70% is you failing to provide a reason as to why you wanted to out a PR

I did provide a reason, you just don’t like it (shrug)

/FoS PoisonedSquid