Cult In The Jungle Republic Threeroll - Mafia Wins!

this joke feels forced <–

The point is he followed simple meta: Shitposting = Village / Forced Inactive = Wolf

That would descibe hjasik pretty much but i won’t cross him out yet just because “lolmetareads”

When i see somebody is posting their that early, i got 2 things in mind:

  1. You’re testing reaction
  2. You wanted to see thought on your reads

At least that was i thinking when it took some time to response hjasik’s message.

That’s why I got shot last run.

-1 for mood

That doesn’t explain why you contradicted yourself on me explaining versus not explaining.

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Does this count as shitposting?

no its poop posting

FBI open up

hands up

Why yes. Yes it does.

Pay the fine or PAY with your blood

How about a pound of flesh, unwillingly given?

I will not be jebaited

Does saying you are avoiding a jebait in some ways a jebait


Lol get jebaited

You mean that i ask you about thoughts while i said it’s unnessesary and ask for it myself?

That was i thinking when i first saw your message.

This feels keep up until you well…answered, so in case it was some sort of reaction test i didn’t want to ruin it.

But you are the one Who just got jebaited

I want vig to shoot you for this already

No vig shoot me