Cult In The Jungle Republic Threeroll - Mafia Wins!

don’t question the god mortal

Im not religous, so i dont believe in you :wink:

i am the god of this game and once a night i can check an alignment. I suggest you believe in me faithless thot

All i question, is why check someone, who was pretty much spewed town yesterday, then null reads?

don’t question i rnged my check last night


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Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Mathblade bazingaboy,Hjasik,Blizer 3/8

God exists cuz he writed that he exists


Fuck it.

I’m outing, considering we have 2 maf down.

I’m the cop. Hja was ns.

Kai is scum for trying to defend Math with mechanical info. We can shoot them and hang Math.

you fucking donk.


The real Slim Shady just stood up.

Nice throw idiot why are you defending mathblade just get him out

When he said he checked Baz, i found it unbelievable.

Geyde, that was bad though, you Noz was trying to take a bullet for you.

when you literally always fakeclaim

I might fake claim but I don’t fake claim a green check on a super suspicious person

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Why did you say MathBlade was NS

Really? He was trying to get Math off the stand.


read CITJR 2. I did the exact same thing