Cult In The Jungle Republic Threeroll - Mafia Wins!

That I’m not posting.

For reasons I dont know.
I just feel the feeling from some previous FM I played with him before.

More of he caught on to something and he’s reacting in a way thats Town!Livi, so no vote him.


I got you bin

Define for me “Town!Livi”.

And Marcus has not been around in a while too

@Marcus_Doodalee if you had a 1 shot dayvig today headed for maf, who would you use it on?

Don’t meta read. That hinders efficient train of thought.

Asking for vig to not kill him /s

Anyhow he’s reacting in a way that I’m acceptable with upon hitting a fact and I’m happy with that.

Saying more would endanger me as a vig so no u.

On the contrary, meta reads are so powerful here, especially on a small site, because we know how the others behave

It does, but its midnight and I’m sleepy.

12:37am is still early. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will gouge out my eyeballs and eat them if that’s early to me…

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That depends. Rip if players change their meta to purposefully confuse you

Also how does saying more endanger you?

Seeing as things are, if mafia survives today, they’ll probably be shooting you due to your claim

so we need to lynch maf

Ah I see

but little bits like Luxy’s underground secret network, Geyde, Blizer’s confidence, etc. still shows

Go sleep. Check this again in the morning. /Unvote

We got like 3 days left

and hullo Blizer

what’s up

Not much, thinking over things.

You know I keep saying I would fix my syntax, but the habit of periods hasn’t caught on yet.

who wants to lynch marcus

I went to check other threads for some meta reads on liv and baz.

Honestly, i do think Liv is more town the more i think about it.

baz looks scummier.

Also for some reason, i feel like Baz is going claim vig, and put himself into a thunderdome with Shurian and himself.
