Cult In The Jungle Republic Threeroll - Mafia Wins!

/vote Twlight

Gonna catchup later

/vote Wolfy wheres your content boyo

Well Iā€™d say its probably more likely that vig shot Alice as she did claim cultist yesterday so maybe the vig took it seriously?

You Specifically stated, that the best thing we could find, is a cultist that may or may not exist at all.

If Cult exists, and we somehow find the person, yes it would be very good for us. But you contradicted your self by flat out saying we should focus on finding a one man cult over a 4 man mafia.

I didnā€™t say that. Donā€™t twist my words.

Im in the same line of thinking aswell.

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Im not Twisting your words at all. You stated this:

Then said this

Its a blatant contradiction

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ā€œDont Twist my Wordsā€

then procedes to twist my own words :man_facepalming:

What contradiction? There is NOTHING about me stating we SHOULD do that.

Yes, implying that I stated I want to focus on finding one man Cultist is simply wrong as I never said that. You just twisted so it would look like I did.

You really going to pull this bullshit on me Twi?

What? That you completely ignored wording and made that it seems I did say that?
No Blizer youā€™re the one who bullshiting.

@Twil1ight can you explain your thought process behind this post?

You Mean the top Part of the Quote?

Because if you are meaning that, then you are truly scrapping from the bottom of the barrel

How is coming with theory is wolfy, excuuuse me?


The thought process was from Blizer stating I said something specific while I didnā€™t and continue to argue about this crap.

No not about Blizer, why did you post that in the first place?

Isnā€™t it obvious? After seeing the message, I was confused as I was sure I didnā€™t say such thing.

Sorry what? Itā€™s quite obvious you did post that.

I meant Blizerā€™s post, you dummy. :roll_eyes: