Cult In The Jungle Republic Threeroll - Mafia Wins!

They do

What about RP, boi? :eyes:

Make CITJR 4 a hydra pwease :^)

You really think we can get 38 players concurrently?

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Im still writing sometjing apprpriate

No rule about dead maymays ad970d5ae0f79744779e815502a9f55c%20(1)

Yespacito bro

Weā€™ve had a wee spike in growth recently


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Okay then. :frowning:

Uhhh /back me up coach if Max wonā€™t take a slot.

Donā€™t worry thatā€™s my job

/pats Tw1 I look forward to beheading and backooming

thereā€™s an open slot if you want it

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Alright then I will take it.


Reee. Why is there a like limit


gonna convert mathblade again idc

Give bazinga vigilante. Lmao

I will be vigilante /s

I agree

Dibs on chart making /s

To this day I still donā€™t know why Marl made that chart