Cult In The Jungle Republic Threeroll - Mafia Wins!

excuse me while i fucking laugh lmao

I didnā€™t consent.

You did ā€˜greencheckedā€™ math

thats literally the weakest arguement iā€™ve ever seen

Iā€™m afraid adopted sons donā€™t get any say in the matter.

It is sarcasm haha

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I didnā€™t even get Mason chat.

There arenā€™t masons in this setup :man_facepalming:

I am the ketchup vig Fite me.


If anyone wants to vig the cover vig or maybe actual vig I welcome them to try XD

Oh itā€™s Marl heā€™s only slightly better than Bazinga on the eternally scumread Mathdar lol

Gotta drive home but if I am gone #peaceOut

Iā€™m never scum here

I know I am a moderason and I talk with the mod when I hug them each night and no mason chat :frowning:

Didnā€™t say you were

I just said you canā€™t read me for shit

We can agree Wolfy is scum, correct?

By association who did they argue against?

You arenā€™t the vigi and you claimed it just to get off the stand

Youā€™re mafia


Not correct

Hjasik is scum

hrm yes read down you fucking idiot

Step 1 to getting people to never care about your opinion: call them fucking idiots for no reason

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meh, whatever