Anyone else feel like the cult is too weak? At the moment, there are too many conversion immune targets. Priest, alchemist, fool, and other neutral killers, prince, etc. The cult leader needs to get really lucky with converts from day 1 or the game is already lost. If there is a court wizard, then it becomes even harder to get lucky with RNG.
IMO, the first cult leader needs to be immune to checks at the beginning of the game, just like the Mastermind. Or the other cult members need more useful things to do. Eradicate, for instance, could be given to one of the followers instead of forcing the cult leader to choose between adding new members and killing people.
Right now, the cult leader starts the game trying to convert people. That means he doesn’t have the chance to kill anyone. Too many games have ended on Day 2 or 3 with the cult leader getting picked out, no new converts into the cult, and from there it’s just a slow gg with the next cult leader desperately trying to convert a BD before dying the following turn.
Even if the cult manages to survive the early game, it’s almost impossible to win late game. If the prince and priest are still alive with a good king (or heaven forbid, an alchemist), almost nothing can be done to get past that block. As the cult, you are relying on an evil king or a neutral killer to get things done for you.
I don’t think I’ve seen a cult victory since the latest patch, even with terrible BD teams. They are just too slow to get rolling and too weak at the end.
Unseen also suffers from the “too many unconvertable types” right now, but at least they still have the assassin and mastermind performing different roles. And the mastermind won’t get picked off on Day 2 like it happens so often with the cult leader.