Depending on view mines goes from “not legal but not technically wrong” to “you are sick”
No between.
aka from humanoid bird to humanoid bird
Depending on view mines goes from “not legal but not technically wrong” to “you are sick”
No between.
aka from humanoid bird to humanoid bird
So like 13-16
Very far
lemme be a dumb bard right
i dont need that to flute like a madman
but it fits description
It’s like an elf but downplayed
For elves 90yo are children
the average image of an elf child
Yep elves have a kinda societal way of considering one a child until they declare themselves adult
avoiding all responsibilities for the rest of your life.
hell yeah
That’s a good character concept
: /
thats also called elysia
Mike is the opposite
Nothing new under the sun
Mike hates mainstream
We should work on making their dnd sheets
: \
so as you guessed.
no d&d now