D&D 5e - Place bets on when this will be cancelled [CREATION THREAD]

change it to garfield

tbh I like it
fills more with the concept of sorcerer than random table of randomness

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How else am I supposed to be able to save myself from idiotic mistakes I forced myself into with no regard for self preservation? :^)

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anime pfp

I hate how many parts of 5e are “lulrandom xD”
just one more part e l i m i n a t e d

enjoy having your opinion not count

I’m going to search all homebrew with reincarnate

Ashe where is our dab emoji

did you know that my last pfp was from anime

the best video on th e internet #1

it was a fucking letter so of course not.

also harry potter is great anime

The hero reads a most unsettling passage

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I’ll release best video on the internet 2 if this gets 5 likes

That’s why multiclassing is disallowed if using any homebrew in my games (assuming I even allow it in the first place lol) :^)

We also need to have a link for Marl’s comment so it doesn’t get buried.

lemme do that

is that coochie or whatever his name is?


no dignity

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I allow multiclassing as long it is because if an in-game event
caused because in-game, not with an in-game excuse.

Dear pesky plumbers.

the Koopalings and I have taken over the mushroom kingdom and the princess is now a permanent guest in one of our 7 koopa hotels.

I dare you to find her if you can