D&D Game Thread - Pug GM

He looked to Beruk and repeat (Blizer)'s “Sorry”

“In many of ways, yes. Why do you ask?”

Beruk stares with a deadpan expression.

He repeated the “Sorry” again.

Continuing with the expression of utter deadpan. “Where’s the northeast from here?”

“It’s northwest, Mr. Wiseguy.”
He gets into a type of thinking position and looks clear ahead of him to try to determine which direction is northwest

“No. I actually need to figure out where the Northeast is. We crashed from there.”

He looks to Beruk.
“Mr Wiseguy. Captain” he repeats both Loki sayings in their usual sarcastic tone since this dialogue started.



“Do I have to force feed you language so you can actually hold a meaningful conversation?” Beruk says, raising a brow.

He just repeated the same “Sorry” and went to look to the horizon, as if trying to remember something.

“I sure hope there’s direction school for people like you.”
He remains focused on trying to figure out the right direction

@Mercenary I signal towards the birdbrain “Loki can you stop being such an insufferable prick?”

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He has repeated it, ending with a “Pay attention, and now, listen” from the same old voice as before.

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(repeated what I said?)

“Not until 3 in the afternoon.”


“Why not, my apprentice?” With the same old voice.

“Wowee. It’s Three Thirty dingus.” Beruk says looking at the horizon trying to bluff.

@discobot roll 1d20

(yes this is a fucking deception roll)

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