Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

(I’m heading off to bed rn.)


You already have my claim

I hear they also speak Vietnamese (I have been on a Vietnam war kick lately)

and I told you what my claim was. It was vague, but I have trust issues now

funny thing, there is a hurricane hitting around here now

I will keep that in mind, but I will likely scavange alone because I got no takers when I asked to pal around

The Cafe closes and anyone remaining there returns to their bungalows. The Cafe will reopen 12 hours from this message.


Busy rn, will return in about an hour or so.


Ok. I don’t know when Alice will be back and I actually have no real idea what her plans are for unexplored rooms. I can make reasonable guesses but that’s it. The question is, what do you guys wanna do?

  • Wait another day
  • Wait for Alice
  • Trust Mole’s best judgement (Requires everyone to add me to every room chat ever.)

0 voters

Sorry, I’m back and I was extremely busy for an unexpected even. The game will resume once I’m done eating.


Processing actions now.


The Cafe has officially reopened.

FTR, since the day passed then you all automatically replenish your AP.

Italy enters the Cafe and then heads to the Kitchen.

Taking a shower rn, will be back after I finish.


Italy entered the Cafe and then headed up north.

I’ll be back in 30 mins. Need to do something rn.

I’m back.

Wazza and App return to the Cafe.




I wanna talk with y’all

c’mere as soon as you can

Ding Dong Dong Ding.

whoms’t the fuck committed a bad

A body has been discovered.

Please come to Edo Castle immediately. After 24 hours pass, the class trial will begin.