Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

that’s a secret

my bad, it sounded wrong but the idea fit

also PKR’s ability was kinda busted af as well so

Meh It really doesn’t change whos cleared FMPOV

I would know if they entered the lab, because lolgamemechanics and plus when I went back to the castle, they were still there.


if he were traitor / mM outting himself would be dumb

(I do in fact take it as outting, however, if AT is not blackened, as Crich would never lie there as agent)

Heck TL was screaming if me and CRich was ok

And thats where you are caught,

AT even if you are innocent you are big dead

so let’s just admit to it

and stop the pain

the struggle

the hearache

you can be free

marshal can actually confirm me though

free as a bird

you don’t need to fight anymore

peace will come soon


this statement would prove that no one except the people in R10 could have committed the murder meaning you, PKR, or Crich as you would have seen the person leave as well by lol game mechanics. So your own pov doesn’t make sense

atn is red

red is sus


i told you all
i am absolutely busted

True, but there is evidence that someone somehow went to R10 without going through the castle

And that evidence is?

I searched the room for a hidden passage and couldn’t find anything. I even double checked. idk why TL thought there was one

Insanity and TL can confirms to this and its the screams

Im sorry, can you restate that so people can understand

According to Insanity who is lock cleared. PKR died at around 11:08 EST