Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

but he could’ve assumed who did it. After all there was just me and CRich in R10 at that time

that’s what


if CRich did this I will cry

answer this AT

also yes

how did you know CRich was unconcious if smoke was so dummy thicc

TL can confirm, but the smoke apparently make people unconsicous. TL said he has weak lungs, so yeah.

also how do we know crich is the agent ive seen that thrown around

if the room was smoked why was there a need to give crich a dirt nap and spill some extra blood

he had a symbol of the Future Foundation on his body

more important
How would the murderer have seen crich?


shotgun blast kunais GO

would crich blindly run into the smoke and immediately start shouting “HEY I’M OVER HERE MURDERER COME MURDERIZE ME”

murderize me daddy


anyway it’s just AT

do we wanna discuss anything else before locking votes?

I know Dat wants to be thorough so I’ll let him if he wants to continue

I legit don’t know what else I’d discuss

even if crich went blindly into the smoke
they wouldn’t have been seen by the actual killer if it was so thick crich couldn’t see said killer

can someone stick with me so i dont get fucking knocked out again

can anyone do a favor and relink the monoluma files for a sec im out of the chat