Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

AT what were you doing/who were you with before you went to Edo Castle?

Now that role doesnt give ma an idea of his Con/Str/Agi stats to backup wether he would be able to breath in the smoke like AT did, History people like to speak (@Arete <3) but idk if thats enough to say yeah crich would sucumb to the gas

I’m waiting for something

this does… raise the question of how AT did this if he had over 10 AP

and what am I contradicting?

Also, I’m not really deflecting when I’m presenting facts to counter argument.

are you able to check peoples APs?

ok my son i will

hey wait rood

I looked up what AT’s talent actually is

It’s some sort of weird boxer

He probably just has high con?

The problem with Katze in temple thing, is i would have seen somebody bring them over the bridge from garden, but i didnt

According to AT…

If Crich couldn’t see the murderer, then how did the murderer see him? Running blindly into smoke and shouting would do nothing but get them killed, so it’s more than obvious this didn’t happen.

wait what talent did ATNo claim?

in a sense that crich has at least some common sense

I can steal 10 AP from someone and put them to sleep if they have 10 or less AP


I used it on AT at the castle and he didnt sleep

mui tai

let’s say he had 50 AP total

used 15 to investigate/move

used 20 to murder

still had 15 to get drained by you

not unreasonable at all and he probably has decent CON as Martial Artist person

ohh gotcha thanks

can you use it on me?

he could have a second wind ability
as a martial arts master

That is what I’m trying to figure out.

as someone with decent con having more than 50 aint that hard

Like im at 69 con and have 57 ap