Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

chapter 6

pfp isn’t cropped

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want me to do it for you? I’m bored waiting for App to get back.


I assume you are German and I do speak a bit of it, but I still don’t see how the tree stuff works into that

implying I don’t want to go there because of the opportunities

that would be nice
because i’m incompetent and don’t think ms paint will cut it

lol I use paint.net but it’s helpful.

ur the gorax

you speak for the trees

katze is german
but katze is not german
if that makes literally any sense to anyone who doesn’t speak at least a little german






katze about to get assassinated now that his con & luck dropped

f for the bad stats


oh shit
that’s ungamer

wait how’d you know which stats dropped i only said that my stats dropped

con and luck are the only stats that matter to survive

is italy a :joy_cat: WOLF :joy_cat:

literally tier 1 logic

You chose the most complicated angie pic.