Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

everyone has a room and if you don’t give your talent fakeclaim decent thought it’s not gonna stick

it sounded like he thought your talent room would be in the chemistry place

and i currently have a vial of poison with unknown whereabouts

i mean
i wouldn’t be surprised if tl was the kind of person to carry chloroform at all times


If i could find it i would

But am the Ultimate ??? i have no idea who the freak i am thats why i have so little foot in this atm.

uh huh

Like i have no idea i have just gotten alittle info and said it was my talent

watch out everyone it’s the Ultimate Mass Murderer
not to be confused for the Ultimate Serial Killer


ftr i dont believe that claim a bit

but you do you ayaya

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I could be but i was kinda screwed to claim when the map showed the talents

i can see the zoo, the library, the museum or the fireworks factory missing a talent

Like i have a few things up my sleeve but not much.
I am just sad my two team mates died

i mean they could have a talent but like
who’d want to be known as the Ultimate Museum Tour Guide?

ultimate firework

ultimate ability plays katy perry

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I’m hurt

is this the part where i use the absurdly busted ability i stole from pkr to bully TL into revealing info

am i that unfunny to you all

Go for he gave me all the info he got with it anyway

make one joke and the entire thread goes dead silent