Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

South East Island? But you can’t go there yet?

Marshal had the Idol to pass

Strange and Suspicious, to be honest.

He did say he found it at the Cemetry after he solved a puzzle or something


The positions aren’t exact, but I learned the wall opposite the Kunai Wall™ was bare and had no door in my investigation. If you’ll notice, we can triangulate the exact position of the killer based on where the kunai hit, passing aside PKR.

As you can also see, this means that no matter what, it is impossible for the kunai to be thrown through the doorway and enter the wall in that pattern unless PKR was standing at one particular angle, which, given that we know exactly where he was at the moment of his death (blood patterns show that his body was not moved at all) we can easily deconfirm from memory.

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No matter where the door is, or even if we flip the sides, the triangulation doesn’t work out. Whoever killed PKR was in the room when he died- and not only that, but he was directly in front of PKR when doing so.

You first left the lab at 9:54 am.

Crich follows at 9:58 am.

TL at 9:59 am.

Ici, I’ve noticed something now that you’ve sent this.



PKR was stabbed through the left neck and through his right side.

I didn’t notice it before because the line was so thin.

But my investigation reveals PKR was stabbed through the right of his neck- so probably right from his perspective, but from the killer’s perspective, the left side.

He wasn’t stabbed- he was slashed.

Yeah, that makes sense.

So he was killed from behind…while facing a wall.

Why was he facing a wall in the first place.

Well knowing the timezone is GMT-7

you can easily convert the time

Slashed? But I thought the killer threw it, thus slicing his side and his neck.

AtNoName do claim to submit action to seal the door at 10 am.

Yes, they did. We had a whole argument about it.

GMT+7 sorry

The wounds are really, really weird, because they’re lacerations, slash wounds, yet Insanity confirms PKR to have died from projectiles, as do the positions of the kunai in the walls. The killer through the kunai spinning, and I have abosolutely no idea why.