Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

PKR’s kill was performed differently, however, and I intend to find out why.

PKR is a confirmed projectile kill.

However, they both had to be projectile kills.

Honestly, I’d like to request Alice for a full room layout of the lab.

so CRich was a general projectile kill while PKR was a weird close range projectile kill

That would appear to be the case, but I can’t think of a reason why the killer would end up lacerating PKR instead of piercing him.

Also can someone confirm TL and PKR were like buddies.

Well, they had to pierce his skin to lacerate him, but I don’t think that’s what you mean.

You know what I mean. Logic dictates that he should have stab wounds if the killer submitted /throw kunai at PKR, yet instead the kunai lacerated him and embedded themselves very deeply in the wall, making cut wounds. Something is going on there.

This means the killer specifically wanted to do those actions while for the kill on CRich, they just did /throw kunai at CRich

am I correct?

That’s what I think happened, yes. I just can’t think why they’d do it like that for any other reason.

*any reason

ATNoName, when did you enter the lab?

I mean when the smoke was around ofc.

2020-09-25T00:50:00Z is when I entered the lab

oh wait I’m dumb 2020-09-25T03:20:00Z

If they wanted us to think the kill was done at melee, they would have removed the kunai from the walls. And even then, why would they want us to think that? Knowing how the kill was performed is helpful, but it seems nowhere near good enough to want to decrease your chances of success to obfuscate it.

Therefore, there has to be some kind of strange circumstance that would make the killer throw the kunai like that. And if we can figure out that, the mystery of this case should unravel.

Five minutes after the killer screamed the second time, yes?


More like 3 min, but eh.