Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

Very well. I shall await the arrival of other players, and we can continue our unravelling of this Mystery™.

@Wazza do you have any evidence directly linking Kat to the scene of the crime?

Directly when CRich’s murder began.


Only Kat’s lack of arrival and the Ultimate Geisha Lab being their’s.

If I get an answer from TL and the host, I may found figure out what actually happened in summary

Right, but did Kat have any reason to know that where the Ultimate Geisha lab was, or even that Ultimate Labs exist?

Yes, the Ultimate Labs can only be unlocked if the person who owns them enters them before hand.

This is confirmed by me and Apprentice who own the Soccer Labs respectively.


It seems pretty weird that the wound were directly on the edges of the body. For example, the wound being on the left hand side edges of the neck, and the chest wound being on the right hand side edges of the body.

Those part should be fairly fragile, so the Kunai could indeed go pass through them easily.

We believe that the kunai were spinning when they hit PKR, making the slashing motions upon the side of his body. It would otherwise be impossible for the wounds to be there.

So kat knew where the lab was? Why would they commit a murder in the one place that would be able to be linked directly to them?

What if it is indeed spinning for the chest wound, but it is just a direct edge shot that basically cut PKR’s throat?

That would be impossible. If the kunai passed directly along the side of his neck, it would slow down and wouldn’t be embedded in the wall in exactly the same manner as the first one.

Plus, the wound is still a slash on his neck, and if it was travelling in a straight line it would be a straight cut, not a laceration.

They didn’t claim their talent. We had to lower it down by figuring out all other talents.

Since the Ultimate Geisha had to be female and every other female had a confirmed talent, it had to be Kat.

To be fair, that wouldn’t exactly be hard.

Shrug, either way we have 5 female talent labs open, which is interesting but it’s mainly just based on luck, pretty sure.

I’m only playing devil’s advocate here. It would seem to be likely that it’s kat.



PKR’s neck isn’t a cube. It’s curved.

The slash curves across PKR’s skin.

Wait a minute.