Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

That slice is going proportionately south, meaning it was thrown from above.

Uh, if it was thrown from above, how did the kunai ended up at the wall?

The… cut is coming from below?

Either that or it came from below, it has to come from some sort of direction to slice it.

yeah I was about to specify it, this seems really strange to me, how and why would it come from below though?

The cut is coming from below .-.

So the first kunai, not the second one.

in my experience, people’s hands, which are used to throw kunai, are below people’s necks

pretty sure to make it spin you would at least have to throw it like a disc, which would generally be a chest level throw

is this being overanalyzed

Italy, without relying on crich’s accusation, would you say at no name is the blackened?

this mostly depends on how unbiased i can be
which isn’t very

italy, I’ve just proven AT isn’t the Blackened. what do you have to say for yourself, peon

if crich lied to me they’ve made a
and they know it
so i don’t know what to tell you

italy, what are the exact details of your necromancy ability

which one

the one you used to contact CRich

during a class trial i can ask a dead player a question and they can either return yes or no

Italy, can you whisper me all your abilities minus your Ultimate one?

Is that your normal or ultimate ability?

I need something clarified about them as there’s one I don’t know.