Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

How didn’t you see Kat pass you while you were in the Garden?

Indeed. However, before we go to the vote, I think we should at least attempt to solve the murder of PKR.

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The murder of PKR seems simple.

The Agent, CRichard did it because PKR was claiming to be the agent, right?


No what

When did he do this?

Not him himself who did it, I know that

doesnt the op say that the agent isnt good for murder

Wazza are you roleplaying an actual DR character because that makes exactly 0 sense

Do you have an explanation for the lacerations?

Dude that’s up to what Alice gives me. I either wasnt told as it’s a lot of work, they snuck over and I didnt see em, or lol oops I missed that one.

I cant explain ask Ici he never saw kat cross from garden

But I can’t help but feel something is 100% off about this.

honestly I’m speaking like one but I’m serious

I see no possible way CRichard didn’t see PKR’s killer or his body, keep in mind if CRich saw his body, Deadly Life would begin.

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guys i found this at the crime scene


+!1n5 …

I wonder who it might’ve been :^)

+!1n5… what could this mean

it was LEON


I think that translates to Leon. He must be the culprit

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Oh my gooooooodddddd

/vote Leon

Simple case, ez.

Who here is named Leon

Apprentice :^)