Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

id kill you

So uh

Now what do we do

that’s Interesting™

We have confirm that kat was on right side but never traveled to otherside

you didn’t see me leave?

I can ask

wait you wouldn’t have, i didn’t pass by the garden on my way out

Like we have u coming to rightside but never back over so if u were unconscious u werent sent back

I think we’d have noticed somebody carrying kat’s unconcious body, don’t you think, Dat?

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that’s… weird

possible whoever knocked me out knows of a secret room, presumably in the temple?

Wait dont we know somebody who can travel to another pier?

Didnt like marshal find another idol or some shit

Marshal did, 100% sure he’s lying.

Either way we’re unlocking the bottom left bridge. None of you have any opposition to this, correct?

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And he has a way of knocking Katze out with his ability. Idk how long it lasts but he can drain ap and knock em out

it grants me access to the ability to murder someone with poison and fireworks

my ap was never below 10

unless he has another way to knock me out

Everyone, who do you think killed PKR?

Hm ok. That’s true

I believe Marshal killed him.