Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

was marshal even in the castle?

I need to explain this further. But he’s not being voted.

:man_shrugging: that one I have no clue on. At fits the CRich murder in my head a lot

The issue is him claiming to be across the map in an unobtainable area.

I can probably clear his innocence very soon.

And what explains the lacerations on PKR’s neck and chest?

I don’t have a clue

The throwing knives, obviously. Why do you keep asking me?

i was the first to the temple, as evidenced by the fact that my room was already open when literally anyone got there, ever
i already took everything i wanted so there would never be any reason for me to go back

Speaking of knives
Will u give me mine

wazza give me the knife

ill throw it at dat as hard as i can

Stop asking or I will literally throw it into the ocean.

For the last time, Wazza, it can’t just be throwing knives. They’d have caused stab wounds, not lacerations. Why were they thrown in the specific way that would cause deep lacerations rather than puncture wounds?

throw it into dat


I think he meant the kunai

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If there was stab wounds, the murderer would have blood over them. And we already established they had no time to leave to go to the beach to wash it off as Dat would’ve seen them, and more than that is that they can’t have left in general apart from sneaking out.

dat prepare yourself after this trial

i will 360 knife throw you

and then lolcat

Can u at least let me open the gamer room first

No, they wouldn’t have, because the knives were thrown, and thus they’d have gotten no blood on them.

the best part is that you don’t know if kat is being serious or not :upside_down_face: