Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp



remind me to make a poster for It Might Be Useful At Some Point Inc.

@katze any ideas

wtf do you think has been in there chemicals


for reasons i don’t think TL wants me to say, i don’t think he killed anyone

what type of chemicals?

TL, why is your Chemist Case unremovable from your god damn inventory.

You started with it, I checked your inventory during the prologue with Apprentice checking 2 others.

Special one?
i don’t know they are all unlabeleed

I also don’t think TL killed CRich.

Don’t fuck with us. I’m not in the mood.

how tf do you not know which chemical is which?

There is a reason i also can’t remove it but its kinda just stuck there.

how did PKR give it to you if you can’t remove it?

Ignore my question why don’t you.

No idea activated an ability in DMs with me

Dude, you started with it. Why are you even lying right now?


i think TL is clean

Cause i have to :cry:

the chemist case alongside with the fact i was given a vial of poison is weird

but even if he’s the one who knocked me out and gave me this i don’t think the person who did that also committed any murder

i think they might be aligned but i think that’s just what TL is at the very worst

should I assume you have the kunai gun, some kunais, some poison, and smoke grenades?