Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp

what is kunaigeddon

well u mentioned checks, are there more?

the weird locations, trajcetories, and wounds caused by the kunai

I also have his check on Gortu

I can confirm that there was accurate info on myself sent to me

im not gonna ask again, but who else did he check just say all the names

Thats it its a once per day check

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@Marshal give me the hottest still vaguely plausible kunaigeddon take you can

would that be explained by the killer throwing them blindly through the smoke

how weird are we talking

the weird locations is part of PKR’s death, so not that

the smoke canisters don’t appear to have opened during PKR’s murder, for many reasons

wait, im not sure i beleive this

We missed the actual murder weapons and the kunai were a red herring

(did we check all surrounding rooms for weapons? and everyone’s invs?)

give me a second to process thoughts

This specfic check was his thing on katze was a different ability

were the kunais bloody

why were the kunai in the wall bloody then?

someone tldr me I missed like 800 posts and don’t feel like reading all of them

yes but his check on gorta is the weird one

the ones on the wall?

well they had a trail of blood but they could have been bloodied and put on there as a red herring

you asked for hottest take

and this is my hottest one